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Revision to Mac

Raymond Lee Harris

-[title|Mac Repair]
+[title|27” iMac (2009-2011) Display Scramble and System Crash]
-[summary]Repair guides and disassembly information for Apple's Macintosh personal computers.[/summary]
+[summary]A couple of days ago I was just working on my iMac and out of nowhere this is what he started doing. I did everything I could to back up all the information that I could off the computer just in case I wasn’t able to fully restore it. At some point and then wipe the computer after backing everything up and reinstalled the OSX . Since I thought the problem was finished however I was wrong there’s problems to lose this so I am now I’m thinking that it more likely is a hardware issue. If anyone has any information on this please let me know ????[/summary]
-== Identification ==
+Identification ==
Identifying exactly which Mac you own can sometimes be a challenge. Variations of MacBooks, MacBook Pros, PowerBooks, iBooks, iMacs, Mac Pros, or Mac Minis have the tendency to look the same, but may have different internal hardware. If you're unsure of exactly which model and revision you own, take advantage of the [/info/ID-your-Mac|Mac identification page].

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