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Quality Parts

Not all parts or sellers are created equal. And sometimes it’s hard to tell apart the good, the bad, and the inconsistent. We’ve spent more than a decade vetting sources and suppliers.

Our parts quality consistently leads the industry because we have the most robust processes: all parts are rigorously tested, iFixit certified, and backed by our Lifetime Guarantee.


We scour the world’s electronics markets for the best quality parts. Sometimes OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts are available, but many manufacturer parts just aren’t available—to anyone. Apple, for example, won’t sell replacement parts for iPhones or iPads.

Not every part can be OEM. And sometimes, you don’t want them to be—manufacturers sometimes set ridiculously high parts prices to discourage repair. We source parts from component manufacturers, aftermarket suppliers, and even harvest parts from brand-new products that have been returned to retailers. Our parts strike the best balance of cost, availability, function, reliability, and durability.

“This time, I went with a high quality replacement from iFixit instead of some crap off eBay.”

- Greg, Hillsborough, NJ


Trust, but verify. We examine every pixel. We check the cycle count and capacity of every laptop battery. We test and re-test components, verify product compatibility, and carefully inspect every single part. If a part doesn’t meet our meticulous standards, we won’t sell it. Period.

“I wish I could go back in time and buy my parts from iFixit in the first place. I purchased from eBay and Amazon... all batteries were dead on arrival and not compatible. You have my business going forward.”

- Daniel, Austin, TX

3.Guides, Tools, Parts

We provide more than just a part: when you buy from iFixit, you get a complete repair solution—from beginning to end. Step-by-step repair and installation guides. Troubleshooting resources. Tools designed by repair professionals especially for electronics repair. A community of repair pros from around the world that share knowledge, tips, and tricks. And the safety net of our Lifetime Guarantee.

“Got it, love it, super stoked. Just did a simple RAM and SSD upgrade for my computer. Tools were a treat and are high quality.”

- Russell, Yokine, Australia


And speaking of the Lifetime Guarantee: If you ever have a problem with your part after installation, we’ll happily honor iFixit’s Lifetime Guarantee. Our team will get you back on track with quick returns and speedy replacements.

“iFixit is the only store I trust for providing the correct parts.”

- Cameron, Fox River Grove, IL

5.iFixit’s Lifetime Guarantee

iFixit’s Lifetime Guarantee is limited to our US store. For European guarantee policies, see our EU store. Batteries and other consumables are not covered by the Lifetime Guarantee. Accidental damage, normal wear and tear, and labor costs are also not covered. This Lifetime Guarantee lasts as long as you own the item. iFixit will replace any defective or malfunctioning product at no charge; if the part is no longer available, we will provide a refund.

Buying in bulk? Learn about iFixit Pro